Pregnant Belly Halloween Costumes

Halloween is around the corner and if you happen to be pregnant you might be wondering what kind of creative way you can use your pregnancy to your advantage this year. I searched the internet and found a bunch of ways that women are using thier belly in creative ways this Halloween.

The Painted Belly

By far the favorite choice by many, painting the belly while wearing a simple and comfy clothing around the painted area was their choice. Globes, balls, faces anything that is generally round painted on the belly makes for a fun and comfy choice.

The Clever Play On Pregnant

These costumes are a little more extravagant and could take a lot of time to create but they are definitely ones that will get talked about.

Using Your Shape

These costumes use your new round shape to their advantage. Remember round is cute! Beyonce even new that when she decide a bumble bee was the way to go!

Just be Fabulous

There are many market costumes that can help you be whatever you want to be without calling attention to your pregnant belly. Be a pirate, fairy, devil or nurse. Check out your local or online halloween costume stores for their maternity wear.

Oct 12, 2012
By: darla

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